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Celebrate Buffalo Pride Parade Sunday June 3rd!

Join Buffalo Indie Weddings at this year’s Pride Parade! We’re very excited to be marching alongside many other wonderful businesses and organizations, showing our support! Love is Love & we’re ready to celebrate! We’ll be marching down Elmwood, representing the WNY creative wedding industry, and we’d love for our talented vendors, LGBTQ couples and allies to join the fun! Wear your wedding attire or bring your brightest outfits & be prepared to party! Free to march, kid-friendly, long route so bring your walking shoes, sunscreen & water!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JOIN US FOR THE AFTER-PARTY! The parade might end in Allentown, but we’ll be marching the party straight over to Fat Bob’s Smokehouse for a patio takeover! They’ll have happy hour specials, delish appetizer buffet & more waiting for us! Stop by for a drink on your way to Canalside!

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DATE: Sunday, June 3

LINE-UP TIMES & LOCATIONS Parade line up will begin at 10:00 AM in lots R13 & R14 at Buffalo State College (1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo NY).

A parking lot attendant will be on site to direct parade floats and marchers into the lot.

Parade participants must arrive no later than 11:00 AM for proper placement in the parade line-up. However, due to significantly increased parade participation, we STRONGLY encourage that you arrive at 10:00 AM for line-up. The Parade steps-off promptly at 12:00 PM (noon). Due to limited parking, we also encourage Parade participants to utilize public transportation and ride-sharing services (Lyft, Uber).

PARADE ROUTE Traveling south on Elmwood Avenue and ending at Allen Street. The block of Elmwood Avenue between Allen Street and Virginia Street will be closed to traffic; floats and marchers will be able to disassemble in this area. Participants and attendees are encouraged to take the NFTA train from either the Allen Street/Medical Campus Station or the Fountain Plaza Station to the Pride Festival at Canalside.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: Participants will line up beginning at 10:00 AM but must arrive no later than 11:00 AM for proper placement in the parade. Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances are NOT permitted on the parade route or in the lineup area. Participants are NOT permitted to throw ANY items (confetti, literature, candy, etc.) to spectators. However, handing out items is acceptable. This will be strictly enforced. Participants will stay off sidewalks and remain with their group during the parade. Music must be turned OFF at the end of the parade (Allen Street). All motorized vehicles MUST be decorated. This is a parade and all participating groups are expected to contribute to a festive atmosphere.


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