We are freaking out about this upcoming show, just LOOK at this line up! If you’re in the newlyweds market and shopping around for your wedding, you do not want to miss this show! If you’ve never been to a Buffalo Indie Weddings’ bridal show before, just imagine being greeted by great music, cocktails at every turn, talented and passionate vendors, and endless inspiration for your wedding in an intimate, fun setting. No cattle calls, no cheese, just a fab party waiting for you. Our DIY department offers fresh ideas that you can try out right at the show and the hourly fashion show will feature the newest and most exciting trends in wedding gowns and accessories, as well as hair and makeup ideas. So, grab your girls, your mom, your man and get your tickets for the most exciting and creative bridal show in WNY! View a video of our last show at The Foundry to see what we mean!
There are limited pre-sale tickets available on our website for $6.50. If you miss out, tickets are $10/per person at the door!

The Foundry

Lovern Photography

Lovely Bride Rochester
Griffis Sculpture Park {Photo by Carolyn Scott Photography}

Fairy Cakes Cupcakery and Bakery


The Mansion on Delaware Avenue

Made by Anatomy {Photo by City Lights Studio Photography}

Whimsy of Petals

Lace and Day

Bella Art Photography

Jess and Ed

Anchored by Design

Boothtastic Photo Booth by Ayres Photography

Buffalo Floral Art

All Season Party and Tent Rental

Buffalo Cake Pops

B Sweet Designs

CJ Sound

Cortos Salons and Spas

Fat Bob’s Catering

Graphic-Poetry by Elizabeth Rose Designs

M Bellished Events

Moving Music {Photo by Priore Photography}

Renew Bath and Body

Salon Elizabeth

Zoladz Limousine {Photo by Lemongrass Photography}

Lloyd’s Taco Trucks and Catering {Photo by Knight Studio}
All of our members are passionate, creative and LGBT friendly and they’re ready to rock your wedding! All vendors will host a giveaway right at their table, along with so many other exciting favors and inspirations! Visit our directory for more information about the participating vendors, and tell us who you are most excited to see! Get your tickets today and RSVP on the Facebook Page !
#lovelybride #lovernphotography #CJSound #movingmusic #fatbobs #graphicpoetrybyelizabethrose #livemusic #bureau #buffaloweddings #partyonbrides #ayresphotography #bsweetdesigns #mbellishedevents #griffissculpturepark #buffalobrides #boothtasticphotobooth #buffalobridalshows #thefoundrysuites #jessanded #renewbathandbody #Uncategorized #anchoredbydesign #laceandday #lloydstacotruck #buffalofloralart #buffalocakepops #bellaartphotography #DIY #zoladzlimousine #cortossalonandspa #allseasonpartyandtentrentals #FairyCakes #buffaloindieweddings #salonelizabethdugan #whimsyofpetals #themansionondelaware #madebyanatomy