Hello Buffalo! I’m so excited to be a member of Buffalo Indie Weddings, rep’ping your sister city, Rochester! I started my business after getting my Bachelors of Fine Art from RIT, and it’s been an incredible journey. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some amazing clients, and it’s been so fun to share my own journey planning my own wedding! – See more at: http://blog.upstateindieweddings.com/2015_01_01_archive.html#sthash.YPXxRzzB.dpuf
Hello, readers!! I’m Cheryl, a Buffalo native gal, who’s currently loving her internship at Buffalo Indie Weddings! I recently graduated from UB with my degree in English, & I am so excited to have a presence on this blog!! I also can’t wait for you to see all the hard work we put into With Love magazine, which is currently being printed!
If you’re looking for a creative alternative to the traditional wedding cake, look no further! These bite-sized treats are dressed to impress. They are an indulgence your guests won’t be able to pass up!

My first cake pop was made by Buffalo Cake Pops and I instantly fell in love. The dense outer shell perfectly encased the gooey and moist cake center. It was so good that I had to have more than one!

With these cute designs and vibrant colors, you might want to consider making them part of your shower!

“As a small business, people pour their heart and soul into what they create. When I especially love a particular cake pop design, sometimes handing it to the customer can be very difficult- that is a piece of you, something that you created that can never be taken away from you. Seeing people pleased with the product they have ordered, that I have spent so much careful time and effort into specifically just for them, is absolutely the most rewarding part!”
-Rosalie Caruso of Buffalo Cake Pops

Buffalo Cake Pops also excels baking some other tasty treats, as well!

“Buffalo Cake Pops is certified by the New York State Health Department and completely insured. As a single person owning this business, I feel honored when brides pick Buffalo Cake Pops for their wedding day. I take my commitment to a couple’s wedding day very seriously, and will do anything possible to accommodate particular needs. Bride and groom cake pops are my wedding specialty, but I love to provide whatever themed cake pops you may want!” -Rosalie

Buffalo Cake Pops